
Music for KS1 and KS2

The Music Service Services for Schools 2022-23 includes exciting new music programmes and a varied cultural programme to support your delivery of the new National Plan for Music as part of a curriculum of excellence.

MIDAS & Preparing for Ofsted

Music Improvement, Development and Support Visits: Supporting and Developing the Music Curriculum. Local Authority Maintained, Academy, and Free schools can arrange a FREE professional conversation with a trained and accredited MIDAS officer to discuss and assess their music provision in school.

First Access Staccato (KS1&2)

Staccato, a musical term meaning short and detached, is our new First Access programme that provides pupils the opportunity to take part in tuition on a musical instrument for a term.

First Access Sostenuto (KS2)

Sostenuto, a musical term meaning sustained, is our popular First Access programme that provides pupils the opportunity to take part in a sustained and progressive period of tuition on a musical instrument for an academic year.

Instrumental, Vocal, and Music Technology Tuition

Small group and individual lessons delivered in school

Class Music Teaching – KS1 & KS2 Curriculum Delivery

Specialist music teachers from Westmorland & Furness Music Service deliver progressive curriculum programmes to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum for Music and the Model Music Curriculum.

Access to Music with Live Music Now (KS1&2)

Be mesmerised on Musical Mondays, improve mental health and well-being with Including Me, and immerse your pupils in relaxed inclusive in-person visits.

Musical Mondays: A monthly live concert broadcast to your school

Including Me: bespoke programmes for SEND pupils

Live Music Now: In person musician visits to schools

First Thing Music (KS1)

Music Curriculum delivery and CPD in one! This programme – new for 2022 – is specially designed for EYFS and KS1. A program to develop confidence in teaching good quality music provision through a child-centred approach.

Group Music Making Activities

Working with individual or consortium schools to develop and deliver vocal, instrumental, and creative Music groups in their location

Creative Technologies in Music (KS2)

Open the DAWS – ways into Music Production. Record sound and create compositions with a Music Service Music Tech tutor for a Sonic Postcard.

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