Musical Nurture Groups

Big Play Kendal 2023 1 reduced

Musical Nurture Groups

Musical Nurture Groups use music to develop confidence, social skills, emotional regulation and resilience. The 30 minute weekly sessions, delivered in small groups, provide a calm and nurturing environment for children to explore creativity and expression through the development of musical and instrumental skills.

Musical Nurture Groups are a form of targeted intervention for students at risk of poor educational outcomes due to social, emotional or behavioural needs. The scheme is modelled on an established programme led by Changing Tracks in Hertfordshire, and follows on from a successful pilot project in South Cumbria in 2022/2023.

Key Features

High Quality: Our team of professional specialist teachers delivering the programme will receive training in the impact of trauma on learning, and in using music to develop emotional regulation. They will take part in regular peer reflection sessions, sharing advice and knowledge to respond effectively to participants’ needs. Teachers are fully DBS checked, undergo annual Safeguarding training, and are supported by regular training and quality assurance.

Established model: Read the 2022 report by Changing Tracks about their national pilot of Musical Nurture Groups.

"Making music feels like… you’re in the calm mindset"
(Cumbrian MNG participant)
[X] has really enjoyed the group and shown new skills at home’
(Cumbrian MNG participant)
"Throughout the delivery period there were small signs of the group growing in confidence… participants reported that they felt happier or less anxious after sessions"(Cumbrian MNG Case Study 2022)

Delivery Details

Session length: 30 mins delivery time

Weekly programme for 1 term / 1 year

Group Size: 3-5 pupils

Cumberland Book Now
Westmorland & Furness Book Now

Suitable for: KS2 / KS3 / Alternative Provision including PRUs (KS1 by agreement)

+ School Requirements (click for more info)

  • Musical Nurture Group participants are usually identified by the school SENCo, who will maintain a dialogue with the Musical Nurture Group leader throughout the programme in order to meet pupils’ needs effectively. Where suitable a member of school staff may support the delivery of sessions.