Teaching in School

Teaching in School

What we Offer


Key Benefits

  • All our tuition is designed to meet Government requirements for schools as laid out in the National Curriculum (for KS 1/2, KS3) and National Plan for Music Education 
  • Our teachers all have up-to-date DBS check
  • We have a continuing programme of performance management and training, which ensures all our teachers are well-informed about regulatory issues, curriculum development, modern resources and ICT as well as expert tutors in their own instrument
  • Every school has a named School Liaison Teacher who you can contact with any questions or concerns
  • Subsidised access to Cumbria Charanga online resources
  • As Lead Partner in the Music Education Hub for Cumbria we are able to offer exciting opportunities to participate in special projects, concerts and collaborations (see the Cumbria Music Hub website for more information)